I have been weeding frantically for the past two weeks. During most of June, I slept, didn't eat and felt like Rip van Winkle when I finally came out of it.
So Fran and I have been pulling grass and removing things like golden rod and sun flowers if they are where we don't want them.
All that sleeping and weeding has meant that I haven't had a chance to write except for briefly on FaceBook.
But I found out what put me out last month. The gastroenterologist thinks it's my gall bladder. The surgeon says that might be the case. He also says that removing it is the last test in the series. If the problems stop, it was my gall bladder. If not, we will look for a more exotic (read expensive) reason.
I had worried that this might put me off our planned trip to Australia for worldcon. The surgeon says it won't. But now Fran's knees are acting up. She has had problems with them for a couple of years and has avoided the replacement route (to give the doctors more practice, she says). She'll see an orthopoedic surgeon in two weeks. But it looks like the trip is scratched for now.
We both want to visit the area. If this trip does not pan out, I have the money saved. We'll plan another without the science fiction convention. Actually, knowing fen, I suspect that all we have to do is time our visit correctly in order to make several Australian SF cons. That would be fun too.
Knowing my superb sensitivity to anesthetics, I suspect that I won't be able to find this keyboard for the next few days. We'll have to see.
The flowers at the top are bleeding heart, purple cone flower and blanket flower. They are all growing well this summer. I'm going to save some seeds in envelopes for fellow gardeners and others who want to stick xeric flowers in their own gardens. I'm even making labels for the seed envelopes. All courtesy of the Pulaski County Master Gardeners.