Thing the first: babies are CHICK MAGNETS! It's true. Holding a small child in your arms or merely looking after it in the lobby of a busy hotel will pull just about any woman over 20 over to admire the child and its antics. Too late!! I learned this only when I became a grandfather.
Thing the second: Using a good line from Jane Austen's novels will win long conversations with well read, young women. Again too late, far too late, I must add. I learned this only this morning when two very attractive young women sat near me in a coffee shop. Looking at them, I was struck by their eyes. Both had nicely shaped eyes of a pleasant color.
When I quoted Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, they were delighted and spent the rest of their time in the shop chatting with me about their love of reading, their jobs and other things. Would that I had understood this fifty years ago. Again, too darned late.
Thing the third: Women like to hear about themselves. Before I was married, I spent most of my time with women either showing off, bragging or trying to get them into bed. I believe that if I had talked about my dates to them and more importantly listened, I would have had more fun, gotten more second dates and (possibly) even gotten laid a time or two.
Oh well. I guess it's better late than never. I still enjoy the company of women. When they are young and pleasant to look at, I enjoy even more. But it is W A Y to late to take them to a drive in movie and neck frantically through the feature.
Like I said at the beginning, too soon oldt und too late schmart!!!
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