This damned program has a mind of its own. Along with spell checking and usually getting the word wrong, it won't let me move photos where I want them. Why can't Apple leave things that work alone and work on the stuff that isn't right?
The first thing I found in my rambles (assisted by the Hop-on-Hop-off Tour) was the hostel where the Los Alamos High School Rugby Team stayed when we all were in Dublin.
Then I wandered to Christ Church Cathedral nearby. I do not recall if the archaeological dig at the side of the cathedral.

Dublin Castle is quite close to the cathedral. I found the Garda Memorial Garden there as well as the famous statue of Justice.

This is the Viking Tower, part of the castle. It is the oldest and right next to the Chapel Royal. The Garda Garden is nearby. Alas, this darned program will now let me order the photos or add text just where I want it.
St. Patrick's Cathedral and the park. It was a beautiful day, so there were plenty of people and school had just started.
While folks are pretty nice here at the Clyde’s Court Hotel, they sure don’t know Dublin or how things operate. There was an “industrial action”, read strike for two days starting Sunday, 24 August and ending yesterday. When I went to the desk to book a cab for Heuston Station and make my planned round trip to Belfast, the crew assured me that the strike was still on. So I walked around Dublin. When I made it to St. Stephen’s Green, the DART was running. That meant that the strike had not gone on for three days.
In any case, I had an amusing walk around the city, stating from Ballsbridge and marching as far as Trinity College before turning for home. I think I covered about eight miles and my feet are just a little sore. In a pedestrian mall, I found a jewelry store. There were lots of interesting watches there. The one that caught my eye was a mere €6,000.00. The brand was Talia and it’s way too rich for my blood.
The mall was also the place where I found buskers. The group were all alive, except for the dog. They would shake hands with folk who dropped money into their bucket. The fiddler was doing Carmen when I walked by.
The American Embassy

By one o’clock, I still wasn’t hungry. I had given myself the standard insulin dose so I ducked into an Argentine restaurant and had a couple of empanadas. They were quite good and hopefully will not spoil my dinner. There are two likely looking Indian places about five minutes walk from the hotel.
I picked the farthest from the hotel. It was a pleasant spot, upstairs from the street and I ordered three dishes I hadn’t tasted before. They served a delicious nan bread with the main course and immediately after I ordered, they brought some fried crackers with three sauces for dipping. If I return to Dublin and find myself in this quarter, I would not hesitate to eat there again.
In any event, I am slowly shaking the cold that has plagued me for the past few days. If I do my stretches tonight, I should sleep fine.
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