gentleman above had such elegant, real facial adornment that I could do no less than preserve it. The children are gaming (of course) but not in the confines of the gaming tent. They chose to play on our fan village green. It even has a tree (photo pending).

The changes made to the blogging program are very frustrating. One must do as the program "thinks" best instead of designing a blog the way it should be.
The photos above and left are the hall costumes I spotted on the way to lunch yesterday. I truly love the costumes, probably because I am too shy to wear one and not talented enough to make one.

Last are the Morris dancers. They came, played and danced, then left before drinking themselves into a stupor (in my ignorance, I thought that was a part of Morris dancing.
Morris dancers are keen evangelists (at least these were). When I spoke to them they informed me that there were lots of American Morris societies and that it was easy to join. Then they pressed for a commitment to become part of the fun.
This is the penultimate day of Loncon 3. Tomorrow, those left will take down the tents, clean up the junk and figure out how much "seed money" there is for next year's Worldcon in Spokane, Washington. Instead of staying to help, I am flying to Dublin for Eurocon next weekend. Additional science fiction posts will be from there.
So, beloved readers (if there are any), hasta proximo (until next time.)
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