Monday, February 22, 2010

short update for Monday

The weekend was a little gray. Clouds and rain Saturday, then cloudy all day Sunday with more rain. I'm definitely in the mood for a little more springtime. Besides, there aren't many blossoms for the horticulture exhibition.
The Arkansas Flower and Garden Show is this weekend. I'm helping out by organizing the volunteers. It's fun and I get to talk to people I hardly ever see. Of course, there are lots of changes to the schedule. One person is going to a grand-daughter's christening that weekend. Another was scheduled for a fishing trip. Alas for him, the rivers here are in spate and floating would be hazardous, not to mention no fun. That sort of thing.

A new helper has come on the scene. Shaquira, the cat a friend gave Fran has decided that the pointer on my screen is Very Interesting. She hunted it for about fifteen minutes this morning. Naturally I helped by moving the mouse around so she could track the little arrow on the screen.

Now, I have to get back to work on the volunteer schedule. The night before we start setting up, there is a dinner for the vendors. I'm bringing a dessert... strawberries and angel food cake. It's really easy and pretty yummy.

If someone wishes, I'll post the recipe here.

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